Orcosmica is a rail shooter where you fire lasers and missiles. You play as an orca using their telekinetic powers to defeat enemies and progress through levels!
Orcosmica is a rail shooter where you fire lasers and missiles. You play as an orca using their telekinetic powers to defeat enemies and progress through levels!
I made a health component that uses a custom interface for when handling damage calculations. I took this approach so that GD can add the component to anything they wanted to be destructible in the game.
They could also customize damage feedback – what material the player will assume after they’ve taken damage and how long the immortal period will be as well as if they even should be immortal.
I made a custom UI for health bars that can be displayed on destructibles and enemies when they take damage. This can be toggled on and off for if designers want to use it or not.
I worked with making my own USaveGame and UGameInstance so that the player score could be saved when they completed a level. The saved score would then be displayed on a leaderboard with the name they had inputted.
I made an actor component that will give the player a score when the object containing it dies, this can be placed on enemies, health pickups, destructibles, collectibles and more depending on what designers choose.
This is a UI widget that extends upon my teammates collectibles system. The widget works by searching for existing references in the level, it then sorts them and links references with the widget. This leads to a widget that updates when the player collect the referenced item and the widget responses in correct order.