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Snow Dash Racing

Game Engine: Unity Project Duration: 4 Weeks Project Status: Completed

Conquer snowy roads, push the limits of speed and style, and dominate the competition as you race. Drift and set unbeatable high scores in this pulse-pounding arcade racer!

My Contributions

My Roles

  • Tools Programmer
  • Gameplay Programmer
  • Source Control Administrator

Spline Level Creator Tool

I modified and extended Unity’s built in spline tool and added procedural mesh generation that was based on the spline created. The user could customize the width, thickness and the resolution of the generated mesh - the resolution in this case affects the quality of the curves, high resolution yielding curvier curves.

Spline Level Creator Tool Code

See Entire Above Code

Customization System

I Made a “Garage” where players could customize their cars (the model and textures mapped to respective models). The customization data was stored inside a custom made struct.

Customization System Code

See Entire Code

Checkpoint System & Respawn

I made prefabs from assets GA’s provided and added box collisions to make checkpoints. A checkpoint manager was also utilized to handle the current index that the player had going into checkpoints and where to respawn. The index checking was done when the player started a collision with a checkpoint and hindered players from taking paths not desired by designers.

Checkpoint System & Respawn Code

See Entire Code